About Us

About SamaritanTorah.com

Welcome to our website dedicated to the Samaritan Pentateuch, an ancient and invaluable textual tradition of the Torah. Our mission is to provide scholars, students, and Bible enthusiasts with direct access to the Samaritan Pentateuch, presented alongside the Masoretic Text, with a reliable English translation for comparative study and research.

Our Purpose

Our primary goal is to offer a comprehensive resource where users can explore the Samaritan Pentateuch in its original form, accompanied by an accurate English translation, and presented in parallel with the Masoretic Text. By providing these texts side by side, we aim to facilitate in-depth analysis of textual variations, linguistic features, and theological insights that enrich the study of the Torah and the broader biblical tradition.

Who We Are

We are a dedicated team of enthusiasts with a passion for biblical studies and ancient texts. Our work is driven by a commitment to preserving and sharing the rich heritage of the Samaritan Pentateuch, making it accessible to a global audience for scholarly inquiry and educational purposes.

Our Vision

We envision this website as a leading platform for the study of the Samaritan Pentateuch, providing accurate texts and translations that serve as valuable tools for biblical scholarship. Our hope is that this resource will foster greater understanding, discussion, and appreciation of the Samaritan tradition and its place within the history of the Hebrew Bible.

Work in Progress

This project is an ongoing effort, and we are continuously working to complete the presentation of the entire Samaritan Pentateuch. As we add more texts and refine our translations, we invite users to follow our progress. We kindly ask that our website not be cited as a definitive source for the Samaritan Pentateuch until the project is fully completed and reviewed.

Contact Us

We welcome your feedback, questions, and collaboration. Please visit our Contact Us page to get in touch with us.

Thank You

Thank you for visiting our website and supporting our mission to share the Samaritan Pentateuch with the world. We are excited to continue this journey and provide a valuable resource for biblical studies.